My Running PB's:
5 km: 26:30
10 km: 54:14 (recorded 51:20 PB in training)
1/2 Marathon: 1:56:47
30 km: 2:50:59
Marathon: 4:20:57 (read about that here)
** Results per chip times races
Back in February 2011 my friend Dawn "convinced" me (I use that term loosely) to join a running club. This was back when I first started Weight Watchers and was starting to lose some weight. I was intimidated at first, as I had never run outside before. Prior to that day, I was a beginner treadmill runner and was only running about 20 minutes steady. I really had nothing to lose and was ready to try something new. She thought it was a great thing for us to do since we were approaching busy season at work and it would give us something active to do on our nights off. The first few runs were hard, I'm not going to lie. But, it is amazing how much your body adapts to running when you are on a consistent running schedule. Before we knew it we were at the finish line of our first 5 km race, only a mere 10 weeks later! And so it started.. a runner within me was born!
After that clinic I joined the 10 km, 1/2 Marathon and the Marathon clinic. Crazy right? I know. I never thought I would be so passionate about wanting to run more than 5 km, let alone complete 42.2 km.

I once read a great quote and forgive me as I cannot remember where I got it from:
"The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it."
I revisit this every time I am having a rough day during my training program. I know I can run this distance, and I know you can achieve any running goal you set for yourself. You just need to beat that little person inside of you telling you that you can't.
Good luck on your journey, and please share your story with me. I would love to hear it!
Oh, I forgot to mention one more thing.. when running.....
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