Now - I've never been one for self help books, or reading for that matter. But this one is changing my life and the way I view things on a daily basis.
I was introduced to this read after talking to my Chiro during one of my adjustments (Hi Erica!!). I have always had a problem with stress and more importantly have always dealt with issues of self love. I continuously judge myself in a negative way and it influences how I think of others. I'm jealous, bitter and generally unhappy with myself.
I purchased this e-book about a month ago and am currently on day 9 of the 40 day program.

So far this book has helped me identify my fears in life and I can see why I act a certain way and view thing the way I do. This book is all about changing your life and living each day to its fullest, positively.
My current daily affirmation is "I am willing to let go of my self doubt. I surrender to self love."
Powerful words, right?
What I love about the author, Gabrielle Berstein is that she is young and relatable. She wrote the book in an appetizing way for the 20-30 year old age group. Plus she has a great sense of fashion! Check her out on her FB page.
If you are looking to live your life in a more positive way and centering yourself in a way you never thought possible. I highly recommend picking up this read.
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